Criotherapy: an innovative procedure for healing and recovery

Criotherapy for Healing and Recovery

Cryotherapy for healing and recovery, learn about its benefits in this article. This innovative method uses extreme cold temperatures to target muscles, joints, and tissues. While research is ongoing, this treatment shows promise in several areas of medicine. During a session, you stand in a chamber or use a localized applicator that exposes you to extremely […]

About us – Your health in professional hands

About us - Your health in professional hands

En PMA brindamos servicios médicos de vanguardia y nuestro propósito es mejorar vidas y forjar un cambio significativo en el panorama de la atención médica. Nos esforzamos por brindar soluciones integrales en diversas áreas como: neumología, medicina del sueño, cáncer de pulmón y medicina general. Nuestro objetivo no es solo tratar enfermedades, sino también prevenirlas, […]